Tuesday, January 19, 2010

ASLC Devotions -- Tuesday

Song of Solomon 4:3 Your lips are like a crimson thread,
   and your mouth is lovely.
Your cheeks are like halves of a pomegranate
   behind your veil.

A couple years back Augsburg Fortress, our denominational publisher, was developing a new children's Bible, aimed at 2nd-4th graders. Pastor Jenn and I each wrote some of the introductory material. Pastor Jenn was assigned Song of Solomon. If you've never read the whole book, do so. It's an ancient erotic poem. There are verses that are more racy than this, but this was about as far as I thought I could push you over your morning coffee. Now imagine writing introductory material appropriate for a 2nd-4th grade audience. Pastor Jenn did a great job.

There have been many ways of interpreting Song of Solomon over the years and wondering why it's in the Bible. It doesn't really talk about God or directly about faithful living. It's just a love poem... a beautiful one, but a love poem. ONE of the key interpretations over the years has been that we should read it as if God were addressing us. I won't buy it wholly, but that's a good enough interpretation for this morning. If you're feeling a bit too lumpy, or a bit too grumpy; if you're feeling unloved or unlovable, know that God thinks your cheeks are like halves of a pomegranate.

And that can't be bad.

In Christ,
Pastor Seth

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