Monday, June 30, 2014

ASLC Devotions - Monday

1 Thessalonians 4:9 Now concerning love of the brothers and sisters, you do not need to have anyone write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love one another;

The knowledge that we are supposed to love one another doesn't really come from the Bible. I mean, it's written in the Bible and all, but - you don't need the Bible to tell you to love one another. You don't need to read it or have a pastor tell you about it. We all know it. You were taught by God.

In some ways the law of God is written on our hearts. It's written there and placed in the hearts of all people. Love one another. Care for those who need to be cared for. What we consider to be the basic rules of human decency are well known to all. It's not about learning them. It's about living them.

In Christ,
Pastor Seth

This message is a ministry of All Saints Lutheran Church. To be removed (or added) to our mailing list, please reply via this email address. Worship with us this weekend: Holy Communion Saturday night at 5 and Sunday morning at 9.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

ASLC Devotions - Thursday

Galatians 5:6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything; the only thing that counts is faith working through love.

Paul was caught up in a big controversy with the newly converted Christians in Galatia about whether they had to be circumcised (and follow all the other Jewish laws) in order to consider themselves fully Christian. That's not our issue today. I don't think there's a lot of concern or arguing about circumcision in churches today. 

But there is a lot of distraction. A lot of worrying and arguing about things that really don't matter in an ultimate sense. Because really nothing matters in an ultimate sense except the faith that we share in God and the love that flows out of us from that faith. That's it. If we have that, we're in good shape as the church. Simple. And difficult.

In Christ,
Pastor Seth

This message is a ministry of All Saints Lutheran Church. To be removed (or added) to our mailing list, please reply via this email address. Worship with us this weekend: Holy Communion Saturday night at 5 and Sunday morning at 9.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

ASLC Devotions - Wednesday

Matthew 10:13 If the house is worthy, let your peace come upon it; but if it is not worthy, let your peace return to you.

Jesus gave his disciples instructions about how to go about missionary work. He sent them out two-by-two and with instructions about how not to be weighed down by stuff: not carrying a satchel or a bag or more than one tunic. You know, basic packing tips. But then he talked about finding a place to stay. There were no Motel 6 or Holiday Inn in those days - so it was about finding a family to welcome you into their home.

And if the house is worthy - if the hospitality is there - if the willingness to hear the gospel message is there - if the openness to the Spirit of God is there - let your peace come upon it. The peace that the disciples had (and you have, by the way) is the peace bestowed on them by Jesus. So share the peace that lives within you that you received from Jesus. Whether you're a missionary or just a houseguest for a summertime barbecue, that seems like good practice. Let God's peace roll through you to the people around you.

In Christ,
Pastor Seth

This message is a ministry of All Saints Lutheran Church. To be removed (or added) to our mailing list, please reply via this email address. Worship with us this weekend: Holy Communion Saturday night at 5 and Sunday morning at 9.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

ASLC Devotions - Tuesday

Luke 1:59-60 On the eighth day they came to circumcise the child, and they were going to name him Zechariah after his father. But his mother said, ‘No; he is to be called John.’

Today is the feast day of St. John, the Baptist. And so we read just a little bit of the story of his birth. This story often gets lost in its more natural lectionary place by the hub-bub of the Christmas season. Not surprisingly, John's birth story gets overshadowed by that of his slightly more famous cousin, Jesus.

And his parents named him John contrary to anyone's expectations. There were no Johns in the family. Dad was Zechariah, not John. People wondered where the name John came from. But we know. The listeners know. We know that an angel gave them the name. Actually, the angel was just the middle-man (or middle-woman, or middle-angel... you know what I mean). God gave the name. God gave the name and Elizabeth and Zechariah followed through. Simple. And faithful.

In Christ,
Pastor Seth

This message is a ministry of All Saints Lutheran Church. To be removed (or added) to our mailing list, please reply via this email address. Worship with us this weekend: Holy Communion Saturday night at 5 and Sunday morning at 9.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

ASLC Devotions - Tuesday

1 Corinthians 12:24 Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit;

It's been said before but it bears repeating. God is so clever to share the varieties of gifts throughout God's people. As important as some think pastors are, the church couldn't be the church without the people who play the piano and organ and bells and guitars and drums. As important as the musicians are, it wouldn't really work without the people who make sure the air conditioning works and the fire alarms are in good working order. As important as the property folks are, somebody's got to pay the bills right?

And I can't do it all. No matter how much I sometimes think I can. And neither can you. Self-reliance is a myth. Whether it's in church or your school or your workplace or your home. You cannot do it all. You never did and you never will. God didn't give you all the gifts. That was never the plan. The gifts were spread out so we have to rely on each other. And so we do.

In Christ,
Pastor Seth

This message is a ministry of All Saints Lutheran Church. To be removed (or added) to our mailing list, please reply via this email address. Worship with us this weekend: Holy Communion Saturday night at 5 and Sunday morning at 9.

Monday, June 16, 2014

ASLC Devotions - Monday

Psalm 29:3 The voice of the Lord is over the waters;
   the God of glory thunders,
   the Lord, over mighty waters. 

We are privileged to live in Great Lakes country. We get to live and play near these huge bodies of water. We play on the beaches, we search for rocks on the shore, we wade into the water, and we gaze at the bending surface of the water as it touches the horizon. All the time, the water washes over us. The water from the Great Lakes pours out our faucets (after many stages of cleaning!) Great ships still use the Great Lakes to carry goods and commerce, and pleasure boats glide over the surface. The influence of the Great Lakes is all around us.

In the same way, God's voice is all around us. It washes over us in baptismal waters. It nourishes us and washes us each and every day. It carries us and lifts us up just like we can float on the surface of Lake Michigan. Thanks be to God for water, and for the voice of the Lord.

In Christ,
Pastor Seth

This message is a ministry of All Saints Lutheran Church. To be removed (or added) to our mailing list, please reply via this email address. Worship with us this weekend: Holy Communion Saturday night at 5 and Sunday morning at 9.

Friday, June 13, 2014

ASLC Devotions - Friday

2 Timothy 1:14 Guard the good treasure entrusted to you, with the help of the Holy Spirit living in us.

You have been given a great treasure. It's life. It's hope. It's the power of good over evil. It's the knowledge that - no matter what terrible things happen to you or our world, they are not the final answer. The final answer is always life and hope. 

This treasure has been entrusted to you. Guard it. Guard it well.

But this treasure is different than gold or pirate's booty. It can't be guarded by putting it in a box and locking it away. The only way to guard this treasure and keep it safe is to let it out. Use it. Live it. Tell others about it. Otherwise you might lose it.

In Christ,
Pastor Seth

This message is a ministry of All Saints Lutheran Church. To be removed (or added) to our mailing list, please reply via this email address. Worship with us this weekend: Holy Communion Saturday night at 5 and Sunday morning at 9.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

ASLC Devotions - Thursday

Psalm 8:2 Out of the mouths of babes and infants
you have founded a bulwark because of your foes,
   to silence the enemy and the avenger. 

Read that verse again. Really. Now take a second to think about it. I'll wait.

So, as I read the psalmist praising God, here's what I'm thinking - the psalmist is praising god because the enemies of God (sin, death, and the power of evil at work in the world) are silenced by what comes out of the mouths of babes and infants.

The loud and proud singing of "Jesus Loves Me," yelling "Amen" at not quite the right time during a worship service - these are the things of power in the world. These are the things that silence evil and show God's power to bring life to the world. Next time you're embarrassed by your baby in worship and want to leave so as not to disturb the worship service, remember that that scream might just be God's victory shout!

In Christ,
Pastor Seth

This message is a ministry of All Saints Lutheran Church. To be removed (or added) to our mailing list, please reply via this email address. Worship with us this weekend: Holy Communion Saturday night at 5 and Sunday morning at 9.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

ASLC Devotions - Wednesday

Acts 11:22-24 News of this came to the ears of the church in Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas to Antioch. When he came and saw the grace of God, he rejoiced, and he exhorted them all to remain faithful to the Lord with steadfast devotion; for he was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith.

Today is the Feast Day of St. Barnabas, one of the leaders of the early Christian church. He worked with Paul, he cared for people and preached the gospel in those heady early days of the church. And his name is awesome. Barnabas. It means "son of encouragement." It's a great name for a Christian. Truly you are all a Barnabas or a Batnabas, which according to my rudimentary knowledge of Hebrew would mean "daughter of encouragement.

We are all Barnabas and Batnabas because we have been encouraged. We are here because we've been encouraged in faith and in life and in the decisions we've made. We've been provided direction and hope. God has worked through others to bring us encouragement, just like someone must have encouraged Barnabas at some point. And now, just like him, we are called to pass on those gifts.

In Christ,
Pastor Seth

This message is a ministry of All Saints Lutheran Church. To be removed (or added) to our mailing list, please reply via this email address. Worship with us this weekend: Holy Communion Saturday night at 5 and Sunday morning at 9. Wednesday evening we will worship using Holden Evening Prayer at 7:30.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

ASLC Devotions - Tuesday

Romans 8:26 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words.

One of the things that keeps surprising me as a pastor is when people feel that they don't know how to pray. This shouldn't surprise me - the conversation happens at least weekly, where someone feels inadequate to pray or wants to know what words to use. I guess it just surprises me because I so firmly believe there are no right or wrong answers when it comes to prayer. Just say what you need to say - if the words don't sound holy enough to you, I'm sure God won't mind.

This verse about the Holy Spirit reminds me there's another way to pray when you feel you don't have the right words - pray without words. Pray in silence. The Spirit will take care of the rest.

In Christ,
Pastor Seth

This message is a ministry of All Saints Lutheran Church. To be removed (or added) to our mailing list, please reply via this email address. Worship with us this weekend: Holy Communion Saturday night at 5 and Sunday morning at 9.Wednesday evening we will worship using Holden Evening Prayer at 7:30.

Monday, June 9, 2014

ASLC Devotions - Monday

Joel 2:28-29   I will pour out my spirit on all flesh;
your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
   your old men shall dream dreams,
   and your young men shall see visions. 
 Even on the male and female slaves,
   in those days, I will pour out my spirit. 

Yesterday in Pentecost worship we heard the fulfillment of this promise. With the gift of the Holy Spirit to the apostles on that first Pentecost, dreams and visions were very real. But the Holy Spirit isn't trapped in that first Pentecost. Once Pentecost happened, the Holy Spirit was let loose. And once the Holy Spirit is let loose there's no trapping her again.

Which is the point of this passage, it seems to me. The point is - you never know how God is going to speak to you. Or from where God is going to speak. So maybe we shouldn't be quick to dismiss the crazy ideas of pre-teens who think we should and can feed the whole world. Maybe we shouldn't be so quick to tell them why it's impossible. Maybe they see a vision you don't. Maybe we shouldn't be quick to dismiss the wacky ideas of our older saints who just think life should be more about dancing and laughter. It could just be that they've dreamed some dreams that we could tap into.

In Christ,
Pastor Seth

This message is a ministry of All Saints Lutheran Church. To be removed (or added) to our mailing list, please reply via this email address. Worship with us this weekend: Holy Communion Saturday night at 5 and Sunday morning at 9. Wednesday evening we will worship using Holden Evening Prayer at 7:30.