Friday, April 19, 2013

ASLC Devotions - Wednesday

Luke 5:5 Simon answered, ‘Master, we have worked all night long but have caught nothing. Yet if you say so, I will let down the nets.’

When was the last time you said "I've tried that before and it doesn't work." When was the last time you refused to try something because you'd already tried it - or something that looked suspiciously like it - and it just didn't work? I know some children who won't try new foods if they look suspiciously like other foods they've tried before they don't like. It makes me want to get creative and make cake that looks like brussel sprouts or something and see what happens. But I digress...

It's important to learn from our mistakes and move on. We know the phrase that those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it. But I also think the opposite is true: those who know their history too well never get a chance to try something again. What if Simon had refused to put the nets down where Jesus said because he'd already tried that spot? Maybe he wouldn't have followed Jesus. Maybe he wouldn't have become a disciple. His life could have been drastically different if he'd learned his history too well. Sometimes it's best to forget what's happened before so we can experience the new things that God is offering for us.

In Christ,
Pastor Seth

This devotional message is a ministry of All Saints Lutheran Church, Palatine, IL. If you would like to be removed from the list, please simply reply and let us know. If you'd like to worship with us, we gather on Sunday mornings at 8:30 and 11 for Holy Communion.

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