Friday, August 5, 2011

ASLC Devotions - Friday

Acts 18:24-25 Now there came to Ephesus a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria. He was an eloquent man, well-versed in the scriptures. He had been instructed in the Way of the Lord; and he spoke with burning enthusiasm and taught accurately the things concerning Jesus, though he knew only the baptism of John.

Apollos was one of the earliest Christian evangelists, responsible for spreading the good news about Jesus through lots of the ancient world. He did not write any books or letters which are part of the Bible so we don't know him quite as well. But here is a bit of his story. The important thing that strikes me today is that he did not know Jesus - he had only known the baptism of John. He didn't walk with Jesus or see Jesus. But he had been instructed in the Way of the Lord and so he could speak with burning enthusiasm and teach accurately.

We sometimes think we don't have what it takes to share our faith. Some of us may not have a deep personal experience of knowing Jesus' presence in our lives - and we feel jealous of those who do. We feel inadequate. We feel that we don't have what it takes then to share. Because we can't say "I've seen Jesus." But neither did Apollos. Apollos knew what he had been taught. And it was enough. What God had given him was enough. What God has given you is enough.

In Christ,
Pastor Seth

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