Psalm 8:2 Out of the mouths of babes and infants
you have founded a bulwark because of your foes,
to silence the enemy and the avenger.
Read that verse again. Really. Now take a second to think about it. I'll wait.
So, as I read the psalmist praising God, here's what I'm thinking - the psalmist is praising god because the enemies of God (sin, death, and the power of evil at work in the world) are silenced by what comes out of the mouths of babes and infants.
The loud and proud singing of "Jesus Loves Me," yelling "Amen" at not quite the right time during a worship service - these are the things of power in the world. These are the things that silence evil and show God's power to bring life to the world. Next time you're embarrassed by your baby in worship and want to leave so as not to disturb the worship service, remember that that scream might just be God's victory shout!
In Christ,
Pastor Seth
This message is a ministry of All Saints Lutheran Church. To be removed (or added) to our mailing list, please reply via this email address. Worship with us this weekend: Holy Communion Saturday night at 5 and Sunday morning at 9.
Yes, yes, yes! Bring the babies and young ones! Sit them where they can see! Let us help by holding them, smiling at them, or just be encouraged that we are glad they-and you-are there! Church is for all ages, not just 'mature' worshipers! I recently was talking to a young mother who has been coming weekly on her own with her baby because her husband works at night. She is 'afraid' of bothering others nearby. I told her to find a place where she and her child are comfortable and keep that spot. Those who are uncomfortable will find a spot where they can feel comfortable. There are so many parts of the service that are my favorite, but one of them is when the children chime in, either with song, joyful sounds, tears or escaping from a parents arms. That means they are in church...and their child is beginning their journey with it's Christian family! You will never regret raising your child in church! I sure haven't! My kids are grown, and they keep coming back for more!