Wednesday, December 16, 2009

ASLC Devotions -- Wednesday

Micah 4:11-13
11Now many nations
   are assembled against you,
saying, ‘Let her be profaned,
   and let our eyes gaze upon Zion.’
12But they do not know
   the thoughts of the Lord;
they do not understand his plan,
   that he has gathered them as sheaves to the threshing-floor.
13Arise and thresh,
   O daughter Zion,
for I will make your horn iron
   and your hoofs bronze;
you shall beat in pieces many peoples,
   and shall
devote their gain to the Lord,
   their wealth to the Lord of the whole earth.

There is a theme in the assigned readings of these days leading to Christmas, a theme that I see of preparation and a theme of triumph. The song of Mary that we will read, also reflects the rising of the lowly and the mightiness of God. It can be difficult to read, though, these images of death and destruction to people -- even if they don't seem to be heeding the Lord's thoughts. Who am I, who are we, to know the thoughts of the Lord? 

What I do take from these verses, however, are words of comfort and strength for a nation. And always, always, the strength of God. Perhaps in these days of preparation, these days of feeling very small, that is the message that comes most clearly -- the strength is in God, the power is with the Lord. 


Pastor Jenn

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