Wednesday, November 25, 2009

ASLC Devotions -- Wednesday

Psalm 76:4 Glorious are you, more majestic
   than the everlasting mountains.

I looked up "majestic" in the dictionary. I was pretty sure I knew what it meant, but it's sometimes useful to read a dictionary definition and some synonyms. "Having or showing lofty dignity or nobility." So God has more dignity and more nobility than the everlasting mountains. In our scientific age, we have learned that even mountains are not everlasting. Mountains come and go. The Rockies are young and jagged. The Appalachians are older and more rounded. But to the psalmist those differences were not related to change: what he saw in the mountains around his house had always been that way and would always be the same. And that everlasting sameness was dignified. It was seen as noble.

The nobility and dignity of God is just as everlasting as the psalmist imagined the mountains to be. God is as powerful today in your life as God was in the life of Noah. God loves you with the same everlasting love with which God loved Abraham and Sarah. The more that we learn about the change of things we thought was everlasting, the more amazing, the more noble, the more majestic that God appears.

In Christ,
Pastor Seth

Join us in giving thanks to the majestic God in worship tonight (Wednesday) at 7 pm. Bring a bag of groceries for the Palatine Township Food Pantry.

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