Wednesday, October 14, 2009

ASLC Devotions -- Wednesday

Psalm 26:1 Vindicate me, O Lord,
   for I have walked in my integrity,
   and I have trusted in the Lord without wavering.

For the past two days, we've been reading passages from Obadiah: we've been reading about a people (the Edomites) who were guilty of sin because they sat on the sidelines and watched, and even helped, the Babylonians to conquer Israel and Jerusalem. Today we read a prayer from the psalmist that sounds more like something that might be prayed by the Israelites in that situation. I've done nothing wrong, Lord, and still I'm being hurt. Help me.

Why do bad things happen to good people? Ultimately, there is not a satisfying answer to that question. What our tradition does give us is the gift of prayer and promise. When bad things are happening to us, we can pray for God to help. We can pray for God to help others who are in difficult circumstances. And promise. We are promised that the bad things are never the end of the story. Though they come, our story never ends there. The Lord will answer this prayer from Psalm 26 and vindicate.

In Christ,
Pastor Seth

Holden Evening Prayer is tonight (Wednesday) at 7 pm. For conversation, visit

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