Monday, September 21, 2009

ASLC Devotions -- Monday

Matthew 9:13 
[Jesus said to the Pharisees] Go and learn what this means, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” For I have come to call not the righteous but sinners.’

In this passage Jesus has just called the disciple Matthew, a tax collector. They have dinner together, along with many other tax collectors, a profession often mentioned in the same breath as 'sinner.' The Pharisees couldn't fathom that Jesus would call Matthew as a disciple, let alone break bread with him and his friends.

I think we're aware that Jesus' disciples were sort of a group of misfits, at least by religious and social expectations. But what does Jesus mean by desiring mercy, not sacrifice? There is an echo of the sixth chapter of Micah that rings in this verse -- God doesn't require burnt offerings presented with false heart, but instead "to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God." So, the question for us, I think becomes, how are we merciful? How do we live into this desire of Jesus'? 

Pastor Jenn

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  1. My thesaurus says:
    merciful-humanitarian, tolerant.
    mercifulness-(see grace) kind, forgiving, or compassionate treatment of, or disposition towards others : charity, clemency, lenience.

    As seen in the behavior of those folks that work at Mom's nursing home. Continuously soft-spoken, kind, and caring.

    Adrienne B

  2. Thanks, Adrienne, for that example of mercy -- what a gift to have that being lived out in your mom's life.
    Pastor Jenn
