Acts 9:8, 18
Saul got up from the ground, and though his eyes were open, he could see nothing….And immediately something like scales fell from his eyes, and his sight was restored.
Saul lost his sight then regained it to do God’s will. Have you ever “lost your sight?” I’m not talking about the time you tore up the house looking for a lost phone or set of keys and then saw it right under your nose. I’m talking about losing sight of God’s plan for you; how you should act as a follower of Jesus.
Special Olympics is now a part of our life. For several years Ayesha didn’t do any sports, but when she watched her friends’ practices/games, saw how much fun it was and with a little convincing from the other parents she joined. She loves it, and very good at it (ok, proud mom talking!). Watching all these Special Ed kids play is pure joy. It opens your eyes to what can be accomplished no matter what your challenge is. They are so excited when they get a basketball through the hoop, the volleyball over the net, or just make it to the finish line of the race. That joy is infectious and it reminds me of the simple things that we take for granted.
God doesn’t ask us to do the impossible. He doesn’t give us more than we can handle.
Let us Pray: Open my eyes today, Lord to your plan for us and doing your will.
Janet Lowe
This Lent, we are sharing the offerings of members of All Saints who worked together to create a daily Lenten devotional book. Join us for worship Sunday morning at 8:30 and 11 and Education Hour at 9:45. Wednesday, we will have supper at 6:15 and worship at 7 as we meet a woman who was caught in adultery in our series "Christ on Trial." Visit for full calendar and information and respond to this email message to request to be removed from our distribution list.