Thursday, January 30, 2014
ASLC Devotions - Thursday
Churches are interesting beasts. We are communities of healing and support for one another. We are communities of worship called to bear Christ's light into our world. And we are also human institutions. This is where lots of people's disillusionment with church (and with God) stems from... the way people treat one another in church too often. Because we are people and we have an institution to run together. Sometimes we disagree about the best ways to do that.
I think Peter's words above are good reminders for how we should do that institution-stuff. Living and working together is hard. It would be much easier to be the church if I could do it by myself. But that's not what the church is. We are people who live and work and dream together. So let's all remember to do it with sympathy and love and tender hearts and humble minds. And when someone else in the group doesn't do that and pays us with evil - that's not your concern. Your concern is to repay it with a blessing and with prayer. Let's give it a shot.
In Christ,
Pastor Seth
This Sunday we return to our regular calendar with worship at 8:30 and 11 and Education Hour at 9:45. This Sunday is Youth Sunday worship where your High School youth have planned the music and messages throughout. We will still celebrate Holy Communion. Come one and come all. Full details are available at
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
ASLC Devotions - Wednesday
for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways,
This is a little excerpt from the song of Zechariah. Zechariah was the father of John the Baptist and spoke a prophecy about the wonderful role that his son was to play in God's plan of salvation. John was to go before the Lord (Jesus) to prepare the way.
So while this is an excerpt from a prophecy about a specific person, I think it applies to each one of us. We are all children of God. We are all called to be prophets (messengers) of God. And each one of us has a role to play in preparing the way for the Lord to come into our world. When you welcome a stranger at All Saints on Sunday morning, you are preparing the way for the Lord to enter that person's life. When you send a card of love and care to a grieving friend, you prepare the way for the Lord to bring healing and grace to that person. You prepare the way of the Lord every day, child of God.
In Christ,
Pastor Seth
This Sunday we return to our regular calendar with worship at 8:30 and 11 and Education Hour at 9:45. This Sunday is Youth Sunday worship where your High School youth have planned the music and messages throughout. We will still celebrate Holy Communion. Come one and come all. Full details are available at
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
ASLC Devotions - Tuesday
the Lord will take me up.
I was recently a part of a continuing ed event for pastors where we talked a lot about family relationships. One of the pastors raised the issue that, when talking about families and family relationships, we need to remember that there are plenty of families that have no relationship at all. Completely broken. It puts conversations about difficult mothers-in-law and annoying sisters-in-law in perspective.
Jesus came into the world to be light in the darkest places and hope in places without hope. Jesus came to take up those whose mother and father have forsaken them. Jesus came to call you sister or brother. Jesus came to welcome you into God's family.
In Christ,
Pastor Seth
This Sunday we return to our regular calendar with worship at 8:30 and 11 and Education Hour at 9:45. This Sunday is Youth Sunday worship where your High School youth have planned the music and messages throughout. We will still celebrate Holy Communion. Come one and come all. Full details are available at
Monday, January 27, 2014
ASLC Devotions - Monday
I must confess that I am much more drawn to biblical imagery of peacemakers and shepherds and those who tend the poor and the outcast. I usually skip over imagery of warriors and boots in trampling blood and all that stuff. Generally I find it just not to be consistent with the God I have known in Jesus Christ. And not helpful spiritually in the violent world in which we live.
But there are times when it wouldn't be bad to think of oneself as a mighty warrior with the Lord at your back. We all have life challenges that scare us. They may be work-related or school-related; it may be a conversation you know you have to have but you know will be difficult. Next time you face one of those situations, remember... The Lord is with you, you mighty warrior.
In Christ,
Pastor Seth
This Sunday we return to our regular calendar with worship at 8:30 and 11 and Education Hour at 9:45. This Sunday is Youth Sunday worship where your High School youth have planned the music and messages throughout. We will still celebrate Holy Communion. Come one and come all. Full details are available at
Friday, January 24, 2014
ASLC Devotions -- Friday, January 24
Psalm 27:1-6
1 The Lord is my light and my salvation;
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life;
of whom shall I be afraid?
Let’s be honest: We all have moments when we’re afraid. Sometimes our fears have to do with our health. Other times it’s our safety and surroundings that have us afraid. Maybe we’re afraid when we wake up in the middle of the night, hearing a strange noise. Other times what wakes us has nothing to do with our surroundings, but rather the fears in our hearts and minds.
The Psalms are full of trust and assurances. Sometimes I think they were sung and prayed as statements of faith. But other times I think they are prayed and sung as reminders to ourselves for those middle-of-the-night moments. What a powerful reminder that the Lord’s light and salvation is much stronger than our fears. Remember that the next time you awake with fear. Sleep well.
Pastor Jenn
Thursday, January 23, 2014
ASLC Devotions -- Thursday, January 23
1 Samuel 1:1-20
20In due time Hannah conceived and bore a son. She named him Samuel, for she said, ‘I have asked him of the Lord.’
I’m always fascinated by the stories people tell about their names. As a Jennifer born at the height of the name’s popularity, there’s not a lot of mystery behind my name. When we named our son, we joined our generation reaching back in time, passing on the names of our ancestors.
When Hannah gave birth, she named her son Samuel. She’d gone to the temple previously and prayed to the Lord for a son – a son whom she would give back to the Lord, set aside to be holy. Do you know what your name means? Or why you were named what you are? Don’t forget you have one more name, one you maybe don’t use to introduce yourself: Child of God, Beloved.
Pastor Jenn
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
ASLC Devotions -- Tuesday, January 21
Psalm 40:16
16 But may all who seek you
rejoice and be glad in you;
may those who love your salvation
say continually, ‘Great is the Lord!’
At some points in my life (and still on some days) I see the word “rejoice” and I think of celebrations – balloons, confetti, loud shouts of joy. We say “Let us rejoice and be glad!” We rejoice with people during times of good news, and while we don’t always break out the party hats, there can be this sense of whooping it up when it comes to rejoicing. I love that. I love a good party.
I have been deeply influenced by the faith of the many ‘saints’ I’ve encountered. And as these men and women have witnessed to their deep faith, I have seen a different kind of rejoicing – a steadfast contentment. There is joy in their faith, but it isn’t always a party. There is a constant recognition that “Great is the Lord” but sometimes the confetti stays in the drawer. And I think that’s about perfect. May you rejoice and be glad in the Lord, whatever that celebration looks like today.
Pastor Jenn
Monday, January 20, 2014
ASLC Devotions -- Monday, January 20
Exodus 12:11
11This is how you shall eat it: your loins girded, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and you shall eat it hurriedly. It is the passover of the Lord.
Have you ever said to someone, “Don’t eat so quickly! Slow down. Relax!” Whenever I’ve read the story of the Passover, I’m fascinated by this description of how to eat the meal. Ready to get up at any moment, hurriedly. There’s no slowing down here, no relaxed mantra that gets uttered during this meal.
When God’s people were freed from slavery, the story goes, they left so quickly that they didn’t have time to let the bread rise. So they eat this meal hurriedly – ready to be freed, ready to leave slavery, ready. Thanks be to God!
Pastor Jenn
Thursday, January 16, 2014
ASLC Devotions - Thursday
Paul here is making a bold and strong claim for the gospel. The gospel that he's talking about is the fundamentals of the gospel that he preached to people and that traditional Christian faith is based on. That Jesus is the son of God who, through his life, death and resurrection has opened God's kingdom to all who believe. That's it. It's as simple and as complicated as that.
Paul reminds us we need to keep that message central to everything we do and say in the church. If we let something else become central... if we let our personal opinions or tastes, if we let cultural traditions take central place, then we're missing the boat.
In Christ,
Pastor Seth
This Sunday we worship with Holy Communion at 8:30 and 11 and Education Hour at 9:45. Visit for full information and respond to this email to be unsubscribed from the devotionals mailing list. This Sunday during the Adult Forum, come to a conversation about the proposed 2014 budget ahead of the January 26 Annual Meeting.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
ASLC Devotions - Wednesday
my beloved, with whom my soul is well pleased.
I will put my Spirit upon him,
and he will proclaim justice to the Gentiles.
Most of us are Gentiles. Again, to remind you a Gentile is just a non-Jew. It literally means "the nations." As in, we are us and we know we are and Gentile is everybody else. Most of us were born non-Jewish. I know there are some exceptions reading this, but it's true for the vast majority. Norwegians, whatever my mother-in-law might say, are not God's original chosen people.
But, Jesus came to open God's promises and God's hope to Gentiles. God put God's Spirit on Jesus so that he could proclaim justice not just to Jews, but also to Gentiles. Jesus came into the world to expand God's kingdom, to proclaim justice and light to Greeks and Romans, to Germans and Norwegians, to Chinese and Peruvians and Ethiopians. God sent Jesus to shine a light that the whole world can see. And we reside in that light.
In Christ,
Pastor Seth
This Sunday we worship with Holy Communion at 8:30 and 11 and Education Hour at 9:45. Visit for full information and respond to this email to be unsubscribed from the devotionals mailing list. This Sunday during the Adult Forum, come to a conversation about the proposed 2014 budget ahead of the January 26 Annual Meeting.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
ASLC Devotions - Tuesday
with my holy oil I have anointed him;
The above is a quote from God in what is called a "royal" psalm. It was very possibly originally prayed and/or sung at the coronation of King David. Or at least inspired by that event. So God is saying, I have found David and named him to be king. I have anointed him personally as king. I have poured oil on him as a sign of his choosing.
This week we celebrate the Baptism of our Lord Jesus and, by extension, the baptisms of each of us as children of God. Not only as children of God, but when we are baptized, God makes us co-heirs with Christ. God calls us kings and queens. God could say "I have found my servant George, I have found my servant Melissa; with my holy oil I have anointed him." In our 11:00 service this past Sunday, God said "I have found my servant Jakob; with my holy oil I have anointed him." And we got to witness it. Thanks be to God for that privilege.
In Christ,
Pastor Seth
This Sunday we worship with Holy Communion at 8:30 and 11 and Education Hour at 9:45. Visit for full information and respond to this email to be unsubscribed from the devotionals mailing list. This Sunday during the Adult Forum, come to a conversation about the proposed 2014 budget ahead of the January 26 Annual Meeting.
Monday, January 13, 2014
ASLC Devotions - Monday
Peter was preaching to a mixed audience in Jerusalem just after Jesus' resurrection. He was preaching to a mixed audience of Jews, Jews who had come to see Jesus as the promised Messiah, Jews who were curious about this Jesus person, and Gentiles who were curious. As we taught our Confirmation group last Wednesday, Gentiles is just a fancy word for any non-Jewish person, i.e. most of us.
And the Holy Spirit fell upon all who heard the word, Jews and Gentiles.
This is really important: God's Spirit falls on all. Jews and Gentiles, male and female, black and white. One of the most consistent messages of Scripture is that God's Spirit blows through the walls that we humans build between us. The Holy Spirit falls upon all who hear the word. Do you hear the word? Do you feel the Spirit?
In Christ,
Pastor Seth
This Sunday we worship with Holy Communion at 8:30 and 11 and Education Hour at 9:45. Visit for full information and respond to this email to be unsubscribed from the devotionals mailing list. This Sunday during the Adult Forum, come to a conversation about the proposed 2014 budget ahead of the January 26 Annual Meeting.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
ASLC Devotions - Thursday
Samuel was a young boy who was an apprentice to the old prophet/priest Eli. He lived with him in the temple and helped him out. One night Samuel heard someone calling his name. He assumed it was his master Eli and ran to see what he needed. After a few times of this and Eli saying "I didn't call you. Go back to bed and leave me alone," Eli realized what was happening. Eli realized it was God and told Samuel how to respond and how to listen for God's instruction.
Samuel needed Eli to show him how to hear God's voice. Samuel needed Eli to show him how to respond appropriately. Samuel needed someone older and wiser to guide him. We all need spiritual guides. Whether they be pastors or grandparents or teachers or friends, we need someone who can guide us. I thank God for all those who have guided me and helped me to listen for God's voice in the night.
In Christ,
Pastor Seth
This Sunday we return to our "normal" worship schedule, with Holy Communion at 8:30 and 11 and Education Hour at 9:45. Visit for full information and respond to this email to be unsubscribed from the devotionals mailing list.