Matthew 4:1-2 Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. He fasted 40 days and 40 nights, and afterwards he was famished.
Have you ever tried to give something up for Lent? I know it’s not typically a Lutheran tradition, but having a number of Catholic friends and working for a Catholic organization, I am often surrounded by people who are abstaining from chocolate or sweets or some other vice during the season of Lent. I have tried to give up soda for Lent in the past, and for me it was nearly impossible.
It would be easier to give up something like broccoli, homework, or exercise, wouldn’t it? But that’s not the point. Today’s lesson reminds us that Jesus didn’t give up something easy--- no, no. He gave up food. For 40 days. I dare you to try that.
(No, I actually don’t. I’m a medical professional—don’t do that.)
The point is, Jesus gave up life-sustaining nutrients for a long time. And in the midst of it, he fought with the devil, and won on the strength of His faith alone. Your faith will carry you during your times of struggle as well.
Karen Goodlow
Join us for midweek Lenten supper and worship TONIGHT on Wednesday. Soup supper at 6:15 and worship at 7. This week, we will encounter a reflection on Creation. Then, join us for the Second Sunday in Lent at 8:30 and 11. Full calendar is available at